Stage 3 Water Conservation Regulations for Chapman Water System in Effect August 11

Tags:  2023 | News Release
Date Released: August 8, 2023

As the Region continues to experience prolonged dry weather, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) is moving to protect our water supply now and into the late summer.

Effective August 11, and until further notice, the SCRD has declared Stage 3 (Acute) water conservation regulations for water users on the Chapman water system.

All SCRD water users on the Egmont, Cove Cay, and North Pender Harbour water systems as well as groundwater sources in Langdale, Soames Point, and Granthams Landing remain at Stage 1 until further notice.

The South Pender Harbour water system will continue to follow Stage 3 water conservation regulations until further notice.

For the Eastbourne water system, Stage 4 water conservation regulations have been declared.

Water conservation regulations help ensure that demand does not exceed the capacity of our water supply and distribution system and ensures that there is always enough water for fire protection.

Stage 3 Watering Schedule:

 Watering Lawns:

  • Not permitted.

Watering trees, shrubs or flowers:

  • Watering with sprinklers, soaker hoses or micro-spray is not permitted.
  • Watering with handheld hoses with spray trigger nozzles, hand held containers or drip-irrigation is permitted up to 1 hour per day between 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Watering food producing plants and trees:

  • Watering with sprinklers, soaker hoses, or micro-spray is not permitted.
  • Watering with handheld hoses with spray trigger nozzles, hand held containers or drip-irrigation is permitted up to 2 hours per day, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Exemption for Commercial Food Producing Farms: 

  • Commercial farms are exempt from Stage 3 water conservation regulations for food crops.

Washing Vehicles or Boats: 

  • Permitted only to wash off sea water.

Washing sidewalks and driveways, windows or exterior building surfaces:

  • Not permitted except for health and safety regulations.

Filling swimming pools, spas, garden ponds, or fountains

  • Not permitted.

“Even with a forecast showing some precipitation this week, dry weather, needing to meet environmental creek flows for fish habitat, and the ongoing community demand, the water level at Chapman Lake continues to drop,” says Shane Walkey, SCRD Manager, Utility Services. “At this time, we really need residents to conserve water at every opportunity, inside and outside the home. If the dry, hot weather persists, we may be looking at a move to Stage 4 water conservation regulations and a complete ban on outdoor water use by late August or early September.”

Current levels of Chapman Lake are available at

The SCRD is emphasizing the importance of obeying water conservation regulations to help protect the water supply in the event of wildfires here on the Sunshine Coast.

The Provincial Government recently sent a letter to the SCRD highlighting the need to conserve water as the region experiences drought Level 4 (where the maximum provincial drought level is 5). Level 4 means that adverse impacts to socio-economic or ecosystem values are possible.


The SCRD will issue warnings to properties in violation of regulations. If there is continued non-compliance, bylaw officers will issue a Bylaw Enforcement Notice and a fine of $400 for violations during Stage 3 water conservation regulations.

Staff do not take bylaw complaints by phone. Please submit bylaw complaints using the online form at

For more information, contact the SCRD at 604-885-6806 or Visit for further details.