A Development Permit (DP) is a permit required when you are planning to alter land, subdivide land, or construct buildings and structures in a Development Permit Area (DPA) or within 30 metres of any wetland, stream, or ditch.
You can check the SCRD Property Viewer to determine if your property is affected by a DPA. Keep in mind that DPAs affect mapped and unmapped riparian areas.
How to apply
A pre-application meeting with a Planner is required prior to submitting an application. The meeting is an opportunity for a planner to help ensure that you prepare a complete application; something that significantly reduces the amount of time that it takes for a Planner to process an application.
All application submissions require a completed Statement of Conformance (SOC) for each DPA assessed, to be filled out by a professional alongside a professional’s report. The Statement of Conformance must be given to the professional, and returned to the applicant for submission with a complete Development Permit application.
You must speak with a Planner to ensure that the correct Development Permit Area is assessed, prior to preparing your Development Permit submission.
Development Permit Application Checklist
Development Permit Application Form
Site Disclosure Statement Declaration
Statement of Conformance (SOC)
1A Coastal Flooding SOC Checklist
1B and 3 Slopes Hazards SOC Checklist
2A Creek Corridor SOC Checklist
2B Ravine SOC Checklist
2C, 2D Flood Plains and Low Channel Confinement SOC Checklist
4 Riparian Area Protection Regulation SOC Checklist
5 Roberts Creek Shoreline SOC Checklist
5 West Howe Sound Aquifer Protection and Stormwater Management SOC Checklist
6 West Howe Sound Shoreline Protection and Management SOC Checklist