Area E: Elphinstone

Population: 3,883 (2021 Census)
Growth rate: 6.0% (2016 Census)
Dwellings: 1,608 occupied private dwellings
Area: 21.6 sq. Km. 

Voting strength of elected official: 2 

Elphinstone is a small, but populous area bordering the Town of Gibsons. The southernmost area in the SCRD, Elphinstone is home to an agricultural plateau where many small farms still operate, offering popular roadside produce stands in summer. The slopes of Mount Elphinstone are filled with a diverse ecosystem furrowed by scenic creeks and ravines, and are a popular destination for hikers and mountain bikers.

Elphinstone is primarily made up of residential subdivisions, with amenities including public beaches, parks, playgrounds, walking and bicycle trails. Major attractions can be found on the waterfront, such as  Ocean Beach Esplanade where people can enjoy the beaches and waterfront walk, to Chaster House, a community hall which can be booked for public and private events.

Director Donna McMahon

Donna McMahon was elected as Director for Area E – Elphinstone, in October 2018. She was re-elected in October 2022 by acclamation. 

A native of North Vancouver, Donna McMahon moved to Elphinstone in 1996. She holds a BA from Simon Fraser University and has a background in communications and journalism that includes two years as the reporter for The Local Weekly newspaper. She writes business plans for a national company and was the Executive Director of the Gibsons and District Chamber of Commerce from 2012 to 2015. 

Her extensive volunteer portfolio includes eight years on the Gibsons and District Public Library board (two as chair), two years on the Loans and Investments Committee of Community Futures Sunshine Coast, and two years on the board of the Self-Employed Women’s Network (SEWN). She is a founding member of the Coast Community Investment Co-op and a volunteer with the Coast Car Co-op.

McMahon is a dedicated cyclist and hiker. She sits on the Sunshine Coast Trails Society and is a member of Transportation Choices Sunshine Coast. She maintains a constituency website at 

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