Population: 2,407 (2021 Census)
Growth rate: 17.8% (2016 Census)
Dwellings: 1,111 occupied private dwellings
Area: 381 sq. Km.
Voting strength of elected official: 2
The West Howe Sound area includes Langdale, Port Mellon, Williamson’s Landing, Granthams Landing, Soames, Hopkins Landing, and Gambier and Keats Islands. Although this is the most lightly populated area in the SCRD, it has the highest growth rate in the Regional District.
The communities of West Howe Sound stretch along the lower roadway (Marine Drive) from Gibsons, to the ferry terminal, past the ferry terminal towards Port Mellon, and up the ferry bypass route into Upper Gibsons and Area E – Elphinstone. Ferry service to Gambier Island and Keats Island is available at the Langdale ferry terminal.
The area leads all of BC in the number of summer camps due to its proximity to Vancouver (40-minute ferry ride); much of the recent growth and large housing in the area is due to commuters working in Vancouver, and recent retirees. Soames Hill is a popular hiking area, and the top of the Langdale bypass is home to a mountain biking park.