BC Timber Sales (BCTS) Logging
BC Timber Sales (BCTS) is a Provincial corporation that is responsible for harvesting approximately 20% of BC’s Annual Allowable Cut of forests. Under the Ministry of Forest Lands Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, BCTS operates according to the legislative frameworks of the Forest Act, the Forest and Range Practices Act, the Wildfire Act, BCTS regulation and the Wildfire Regulation.
Each year BCTS opens their 5-year Operating Plan (harvesting plan) for comment. Referrals are sent to the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) and other agencies.
SCRD staff provide a technical review focused on areas where SCRD services could be impacted, such as parks, trails, water supply, Official Community Plan policies. A staff report is presented to SCRD Board and referred to SCRD advisory committees. Recommendations are forwarded to BCTS for consideration.
Operating Plan and Protocol Agreement
The annual BCTS Operating Plan is usually released early in the year. The referral consists of a series of technical maps that show proposed cut blocks colour coded by proposed harvest year. Spatial data is available for download as well
SCRD and BC Timber Sales (BCTS) signed a communication protocol on June 2, 2014. The protocol ensures that BCTS provides timely information about its operational plans and that the SCRD can provide comments within 90 days. Each successive year builds on previous years’ plans as new field survey information is collected and stakeholder information is considered.