Curbside Collection Schedule

There are three easy ways to find your curbside collection schedule – use the collection calendar by entering your address, download the Sunshine Coast Regional District’s SCRD Collects App to your phone or open the collection zones map below and enter your address. All these options are outlined below, along with a video which helps guide you through searching on the SCRD Collects App.

1. Curbside Collection Calendar

The collection calendar below not only allows you to see your collection schedule – click on the ‘Wizard’ tab to learn more about where you can dispose of items. Use the “Get Reminder” button to sign up for email alerts. Want the app? Or alerts on your phone? Scroll down to number 2.

2. Download the SCRD Collects App – Get alerts on your phone!

The SCRD Collects app can send personal curbside collection reminders by text, email or phone directly to you. Turn notifications on to use this feature. You can also view your collection schedule and use the ‘wizard’ feature to learn where you can recycle common items. Get the app on Google Play or on the Apple App Store.

Want an email or phone call reminder? Use the app “widget” above to search for your address and use the “Get Reminder” button to sign up.

3. Collection Zone Maps

The collection zone map outlines all the collection zones and is searchable by entering your address.

Don’t like fancy digital tools? PDF calendar can be found here 2025 Curbside Collection Calendar.

The SCRD does not provide curbside collection to the District of Sechelt, shíshálh Nation Government District or the Town of Gibsons. If you live in any of these areas, please contact them for information about your service.