Here are eight steps to isolating a water leak.
Steps to isolate a water leak:
1. Before checking the meter, make sure all taps and water using appliances inside and outside the house or building are turned off.
2. Access the water meter display. Check for a solid leak notification water tap icon to confirm that the meter is detecting a continuous water leak.
3. Shut off the main water connection to the home or building.
4. Check the meter display (see image below)
- If the RATE is greater than 0, the leak is between the shut off point and the water meter. (i.e. somewhere along the waterline that services the home or building)
- If the RATE = 0, the leak is past the shut off point. (i.e. an indoor or outdoor water connection at the house or building such as a tap, toilet or irrigation system). Go to step 5.
5. If the leak is past the shut off point, turn the main water connection back on.
6. Through a process of elimination, you can identify the source of the leak. Shut off the water connection to a tap or fixture (only one), then check the water meter to determine if you have isolated the leak.
7. To know if you found the leaky culprit, check the water meter display:
- If the RATE = 0, the water connection that is off is the cause of the leak
- If the RATE is greater than 0, the water connection that is off is not the source of the leak.
8. Shut off another water connection and check the water meter display again. Repeat for all water connections inside and outside the house or building until the meter RATE reads 0.00.