On Family day .... Create Memories, Not Waste

Our local landfill is only a few years away from being full. Check out our best tips help you, your family and your friends create memories and not waste. At the bottom of the page are some resources that will link you to more comprehensive guides and searchable databases for how to recycle.

Gift Ideas and Experiences

Gift giving is one of the many ways we express our appreciation to people in our life. But we don’t want to just give stuff, stuff is already everywhere in our lives consider these alternatives because stuff doesn’t necessarily bring happiness. 

Get egg-excited for breakfast at home or go out for a meal. Staying in? Check out our page on reducing food waste for tips on planning a meal with less waste.

Tickets to a movie or show, an outdoor adventure (Dakota Ridge is open!), like snowshoeing or kayaking, dog walking, baked treats, home improvements or landscaping, music lessons, art lessons and plant cuttings, a night away or massage – gift the gift of spending quality time together!

Makes for a fun way to spend family time and homemade goodies can make a great gift.

We know! A little out dated because who makes a mixed tape anymore… but you can create playlist on music streaming platforms and share your favourite songs or maybe have a dance party!

Give to a cause or charity in someone else’s name or volunteer together to help the community. The Sunshine Coast has many not-for-profits and charitable organizations working to enhance our community.

Opt for longer-lasting flowers or plant cuttings (if you have a green thumb!) over store-bought cut flowers.

Skip plastic decorations, paper decorations are fully recyclable at your local depot click here for a list of party recyclables (includes piñatas too!)

Children’s parties can generate a lot of garbage in a short period of time. Check out these great party planning guides for ideas on how to have a memorable birthday without the one-time use plastics and without the on emphasis stuff and instead on enjoying the party. 

Green Child Magazine https://www.greenchildmagazine.com/eco-friendly-birthday-party/ 

PBS Parents http://www.pbs.org/parents/birthday-parties/tips_post/green-birthday-party/ 

Parents.com https://www.parents.com/fun/birthdays/themes/eco-friendly-party/ 

Still stumped? Maybe you have a great idea that’s a little expensive, work with mutual friends and pick out a gift that might too expensive for either of you to buy on your own, but together would make a great gift for your friend. Perhaps a gift card is better and offer to go with them so you can make an experience out of it. Does your friend have an e-reader? If so give them an e-book instead of a paper book. 


More tips and tricks can be found at:

Love Food Hate Waste dedicated holiday tips website linked here.

Metro Vancouver started it, create memories not waste best ideas linked here.

RCBC has guides for gift giving, decorating and more linked here.


These items are recyclable at a depot! Visit www.scrd.ca/recycling-depots for where and what’s recyclable.