Trail Closure – O’Brian Road & Mintie Road
The connector trail at George Cormack Park that links Mintie Road and O’Brian Road is closed at this time. The lower section trail is on private property, not on SCRD owned, or operated land. Due to it being on private land, SCRD Parks has been requested to close this portion of the trail.
Staff are working to create a properly routed connection to reestablish the important community connector trail. The project is well underway and there are several important steps that must be taken prior to the trail being reestablished. Over the last few weeks, staff have been working closely with the shíshálh Nation and, prior to construction, must complete an archeological assessment and an environmental assessment due to the rare and sensitive ecological nature of this location.
Once the proper planning and approvals are secured, staff have a plan in place to move in and reestablish the Mintie Road connector trail.
Stay tuned to for updates.