New Planning Application Fees as of January 1st, 2025

As of January 1st, 2025, new planning application fees are in effect.

Planning Applications

Below you will find links to forms and guides you need for submitting planning application. Complete applications can be submitted by email to If the application is complete, staff will respond with instructions to pay the appropriate application fees. Fee information is provided below.

Have any questions? Email

Planning Application Fees

DescriptionPre-Application FeeBase FeeAdditional Fee*
Staff Issued DP (Hazard and Environment)$500$1,500$400 per additional DPA
Board Issued DP (Form and Character, Ag Buffer)$500$2,000$400 per additional DPA
Remedial DP Pre-Application (Work without Permit)$2,500--
Development Variance Permit$600$3,250$300 per additional variance
Board of Variance$600$3,000$300 per additional variance
Tree Cutting Permits-$200$25 per additional tree after 10
Subdivision creating up to two additional lots$500$5,000-
Subdivision creating more than two additional lots$1,000$5,000$1,000 per additional lot after two
Frontage Waiver-$2,000$250 per additional lot
Strata Conversion$500$3,000$1,000 per additional lot/unit
Lot Line Adjustment or Consolidation$500$2,000-
Subdivision Conditions Amendment or Extension-$500-
OCP or Zoning Bylaw Amendment$2,000$10,000$1,500 per public hearing
Joint OCP and Zoning Bylaw Amendment$2,500$15,000$1,500 per public hearing
Temporary Use Permit$1,000$4,000-
Liquor Licence-$3,500-
Cannabis Licence-$4,500-
Change of Applicant-$200-
Covenant Discharge or Amendment-$1,000-
Site Inspection--$300 per site inspection**
Property Information Request (Comfort Letter)-$500-
Title Document--$50 per document


  1. All amendments or extensions to liquor and cannabis licenses, temporary use permits, development permits, tree cutting permits, and development variance permits shall be subject to 50% of the original Base Fee and Additional Fee.
  2. The application fee shall be 200% of the original Fee where work has started without the required development permit, tree cutting permit, development variance permit, or board of variance approval.


  1. 50% of the Base Fee and Additional Fee will be refunded when an application is withdrawn within 21 days of submission.
  2. If a bylaw amendment does not proceed to a public hearing, or third reading if a public hearing is not required, a refund of 25% of the original application fee will be provided.
  3. A non-profit organization or public utility operated by a local government may apply to the SCRD Board to reduce fees up to 50% for a bylaw amendment, development permit, or development variance permit.

* Additional Fees are added to Base Fees and apply to each unit/DPA/variance/lot/title/hearing after the first. For clarity, additional lot for subdivision refers to the new lots being created and does not include the existing or remainder lot.

** One site inspection shall be included as part of the Base Fee of the application.

Download PDF version of Schedule B – Planning Fees

Pre-Application Meeting

A pre-application meeting with a Planner is required prior to submission of every planning application.

In the meeting you present your proposed development and a Planner will provide relevant regulations, guidance and a checklist for your application materials. This shared preparation significantly reduces the time it takes to process your application.

After your pre-application meeting an Outcome Letter will be provided with instructions on how to make a formal application.

To submit your request for a pre-application meeting:

Your pre-application meeting will then be scheduled by staff.

Application Forms

Below you will find various application forms. If you have questions about the appropriate forms to complete please contact the planning department.

If you would like to authorize someone to act on your behalf in regard to a planning application or property information request please complete and submit the Appointment of Agent for Planning Applications form:

Appointment of Agent for Planning Applications

A Remediation pre-application meeting with SCRD planning staff is required in order to discuss unauthorized land alteration with you and your designated qualified professional. The meeting will establish the requirements to bring the subject property into compliance with SCRD Bylaws and Provincial Regulations.

Remediation (REM) Pre-Application Form

A Development Permit (DP) is a permit required when you are planning to alter land, subdivide land, or construct buildings and structures in a Development Permit Area (DPA) or within 30 metres of any wetland, stream, or ditch.

You can check the SCRD Property Viewer to determine if your property is affected by a DPA. Keep in mind that DPAs affect mapped and unmapped riparian areas.

How to apply

A pre-application meeting with a Planner is required prior to submitting an application. The meeting is an opportunity for a planner to help ensure that you prepare a complete application; something that significantly reduces the amount of time that it takes for a Planner to process an application.

All application submissions require a completed Statement of Conformance (SOC) for each DPA assessed, to be filled out by a professional alongside a professional’s report. The Statement of Conformance must be given to the professional, and returned to the applicant for submission with a complete Development Permit application.

You must speak with a Planner to ensure that the correct Development Permit Area is assessed, prior to preparing your Development Permit submission.


Development Permit Application Checklist

Development Permit Application Form

Site Disclosure Statement Declaration

Statement of Conformance (SOC)

1A Coastal Flooding SOC Checklist

1B and 3 Slopes Hazards SOC Checklist

2A Creek Corridor SOC Checklist

2B Ravine SOC Checklist

2C, 2D Flood Plains and Low Channel Confinement SOC Checklist

4 Riparian Area Protection Regulation SOC Checklist

5 Roberts Creek Shoreline SOC Checklist

5 West Howe Sound Aquifer Protection and Stormwater Management SOC Checklist

6 West Howe Sound Shoreline Protection and Management SOC Checklist

Tree cutting permits are required prior to the removal of trees in areas designated in Tree Cutting Permit Bylaw No. 350.

The permit will be based on the recommendation in reports from a certified Arborist and a Geotechnical Engineer and if near a creek may also require Riparian Assessment. These reports include an assessment of the health of the trees and the potential for erosion on the property, and certifies that cutting will not cause erosion, landslide or other hazard. The permit will require an application fee and bond based on an amount provided in the Arborist’s report for any necessary replanting.

Please discuss your proposal with Planning staff before submitting an application at


Tree Cutting Permit Application

Development Variance Permit

A Development Variance Permit (DVP) is a permit required to vary regulations in a development bylaw (Zoning Bylaw, Subdivision Bylaw, Parking Bylaw, and Sign Bylaw) such as building setbacks, height, or parking requirements. A DVP cannot be used to change the permitted uses or density of a property.

Board of Variance

A Board of Variance application may be used when you wish to vary regulations in a development bylaw (Zoning Bylaw, Subdivision Bylaw, Parking Bylaw, and Sign Bylaw), such as building setbacks, height, or parking requirements, due to land constraints or previous development patterns that result in hardship.


Development Variance Permit Application Form

Board of Variance Application Form

Variance Application Checklist

A subdivision application is used for the purpose of dividing a parcel into two or more smaller parcels, but is also used for lot line adjustments or the creation of a bare land strata.


Subdivision Application Form

Subdivision Application Checklist

Frontage Waiver Application Form

A Zoning Bylaw Amendment application can be applied for to amend aspects of the Zoning Bylaw as they relate to a parcel’s permitted use and density.

An Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment application can be applied for to amend aspects of the Official Community Plan as they relate to a parcel’s permitted use and density. All OCP Amendment applications will be reviewed for alignment with the SCRD OCP Amendment Policy. Only applications that substantially conform to this policy will be supported.


OCP and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Application Form

OCP Amendment Policy

An Agricultural Land Commission application is for those who own a parcel within the Agricultural Land Reserve, and who wish to engage in an activity beyond the permitted activities in the Agricultural Land Commission regulations.

Examples could be adding more fill than permitted, subdividing a parcel into parcel’s smaller than permitted, modifying a farm home plate, or creating residential density beyond that permitted.

How to Apply:
Applications are each is handled differently depending on the situation. Please contact Planning Services staff for more information at Provide your property address and property ID, along with details of your proposal.

Other resources/supporting documents:
It is important to keep in mind that uses and activities in the ALR must conform to the ALC regulations and the zoning bylaw!