Recycling Depots

The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) operates, via contracted services, three recycling depots that accept residential packaging and paper products through the Recycle BC program. Wondering about holiday hours? Check their websites for information.

Click here to learn more about what can be recycled through Recycle BC or download our recycling depot guide.

Wondering what goes where? Scroll down to the Recycling Directory ↓



Operated by Gibsons Recycling Depot

1018 Venture Way


Operating hours and information at:

Gibsons Recycling Depot Map


Operated by Salish Soils

5646 Schetxwen Road


Operating hours and information at:

Sechelt Recycling Depot Map

Pender Harbour

Operated by GRIPS

Highway 101 and Menacher Road


Operating hours and information at:

Pender Harbour Recycling Depot Map

New to the Depot!

There are some newer categories of recycling that have been expanded to include new items. Check out Recycle BC’s webpage for information about all the accepted items or download this PDF for the new items.

Bottle Depots and Other Recycling

The above depots and refundable bottle depots on the Sunshine Coast are not operated by the SCRD. They may collect other materials for recycling, so plan before you go by visiting the business’s webpage or using the recycling directory below.

Recycling Directory – What Goes Where?

If you are wondering where an item can be recycled or disposed of – search for it below or visit for a recyclepedia of knowledge.

Don’t mix these contaminants with your regular recycling.

Propane tanks are a fire hazard (even with a residual amount) – recycle at the landfill or transfer station.

Yard waste is compostable! Visit for info because grass clippings aren’t natural to our west coast forests.

Furniture and planting tools, if they can’t be fixed are garbage or scrap metal.