Waste Reduction Tips

Practicing reduce and reuse, the first two Rs of the 3Rs, helps reduce the total amount of waste generated on the Sunshine Coast.

Watch this video for easy steps you can take to reduce waste:

Planning an event? Visit our holiday recycling page for tips that change with the season or for year round ideas to make memories not waste at special events.

Want tips specific to food waste? Check out our page on reducing food waste to help save money and nature’s resources.

  • Ask yourself if an item is truly needed.
  • Refuse unnecessary items (e.g. like swag, take out containers etc.).
  • Search for second-hand items first before buying new. Check out these benefits for shopping at thrift store.
  • Buy quality, long-lasting and durable items.
  • Look for quality clothes that are made to last.
  • Buy items in bulk, in concentrate or in refillable and/or recyclable packaging. ​

  • Repair your items and clothes instead of buying new.
    • Repair cafes are hosted by local residents regularly at Gibsons and Sechelt – Search for repair cafe on Facebook for more information.
  • Borrow, share or rent items if possible such as tools, carpet cleaning and gardening equipment.

Share Shed

Visit the Share Shed at the Pender Harbour Transfer Station

  • Accepted at the share shed: Children’s toys, housewares, small appliances, sports equipment, tools and as space permits, staff may allow furniture and large appliances.
  • Not Accepted at the share shed: baby/child safety items, clothing, fabric, textiles, bedding, curtains towels, household hazardous waste like paint, cleaning products or fuel, mattresses, liquids and sofa beds

  • Bring a reusable coffee mug, water bottle and reusable bags everywhere you go.
  • Have your own set of reusable cutlery, chopsticks and straw for work, eating out and school.
  • Pack work and school lunches in reusable containers – check out this link from Metro Vancouver for tips about making reducing waste a super habit
  • Host events with real dishware whenever possible and ask others to bring their own dishes.
  • Bring your own container to take-out restaurants and cafes and ask staff to use them.
  • Businesses on the coast offer refills of containers for lots of things from beer in growlers, to household cleaners to shampoos and soaps!

FYI there is a provincial regulation in effect as of December 2023 for single use items (aka items designed to be thrown away). More information is available at gov.bc.ca/reuse.

  • Bring reusable shopping bags and produce bags to the grocery store and shops.
  • Love tap water and give a pass on bottled water.
  • Cover leftover food with beeswax wrap or plates or put in reusable containers, instead of using plastic cling wrap.
  • Refuse to buy products that come in un-recyclable plastic packaging.
  • Learn which plastics are and are not recyclable in the Guide to Depot Recycling.

Check out Earthday.org’s library of knowledge. You’ll find topics from reducing plastic waste in your everyday life to sustainable clothes shopping.

Resources for Businesses

Check out these external resources for reducing waste.

Metro Vancouver has this great guide for planning to reduce food waste in your restaurant here.

Wondering what kind of take away containers are easier on the environment check out this resource or the image below.

FYI, food waste is banned from the garbage everywhere in the SCRD. Check out this resource for info about making your in house sorting system easy to use for your workplace.


The Province of British Columbia regulations regarding the phasing out of single-use plastics came into effect on December 20, 2023. Quick reference sheets, posters and resources are available at gov.bc.ca/reuse. Pictures for reference are provided in the drop downs below.

Items like plastic cutlery, shopping bags and oxo-degradable plastics are either banned for sale, or are only available upon request.

This is a provincial regulation report any issues or non-compliance to the province at plastics@gov.bc.ca