Service Alerts

Easter Weekend Hours of Operation - Coming Soon!


HandyDART service is not available on statutory holidays. ​

​More information can be found at or call 604-885-6899.​


Parks Service Alerts

NOTE: The SCRD is aware that people are continuing to use the closed bridges listed below. These bridges are not safe. Please obey the signage on site.

The access trail to Wreck Beach off Rosemary Lane on Keats Island is closed for use until a hazardous section of overhanging uphill slope can be remediated.

The access path has been deemed a high-risk area for public use which could pose life safety issues. This determination is following professional engineering assessment of the area.

The Kleindale Bridge, located on the Suncoaster Trail remains closed due to user safety and a deteriorating bridge structure. Trail users can re-route along Highway 101 to the Lions Park trails to re-connect to the Suncoaster Trail.

The Vinebrook Bridge, located on the Suncoaster Trail remains closed due to risk of imminent failure.

Trail users can re-route along Highway 101. Users are reminded to follow off-road vehicle regulations and to proceed with caution when using the highway. Engineering Services have been engaged, and assessments are currently underway.

The initial assessment phase of the project is expected to be completed by the end of March 2025.

An engineering inspection determined that the upper waterfall bridge needs to be closed to public access effective immediately. The bridge has reached the end of its design life and keeping it open presents a significant safety risk to the public.

Two  alternate creek crossings are available to the south and north of the Upper Waterfall bridge, so there will be minimal impacts to the public accessing and using the Cliff Gilker network of trails

The SCRD is currently working on a project to remediate the park, learn more at 


The sports field is open for use but will continue to be closely monitored for damage as we move into the maintenance phase of the recovery program.

Only youth soccer leagues may use the field. Men’s and women’s leagues must practice off pitch only and must ensure that nets are shifted around to avoid wear and tear in any one area.

We ask that visitors keep dogs off the sports field.

The bridge at Chaster House in Elphinstone was damaged during the atmospheric river event in late 2021. Like the bridges at Cliff Gilker Park, incremental damage was discovered due to heavy rains and creek volumes.

You can read about next steps in this staff report (item 6 on agenda).