Standing Committees

The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) Board of Directors use Standing Committees to address various matters, and make recommendations that are forwarded to SCRD Board meetings for final consideration and adoption.  

Standing Committees are established with specific yet ongoing mandates. Terms of reference for each Standing Committee provide an overview of the purpose, duties/mandate, membership, and operation of the Committee. Currently, the following Standing Committees have been established.

This committee meets on the second and fourth Thursday of the month unless otherwise scheduled by the SCRD Board or the Chair of the Committee. 

Second Thursday of the Month
Chair: Donna McMahon
Vice Chair: Leonard Lee
Members: All SCRD Directors

Fourth Thursday of the Month
Chair: Kelly Backs
Vice Chair: Alton Toth
Members: All SCRD Directors 

Terms of Reference 

This committee meets on the third Thursday of the month unless otherwise scheduled by the SCRD Board or the Chair of the Committee. 

Chair: Kate Stamford
Vice Chair:  Donna McMahon
Members: Rural Area Directors 

Terms of Reference 

This committee meets at least once annually and as required by the SCRD Board or the Chair of the Committee. 

Chair: Kate-Louise Stamford
Vice Chair: Donna McMahon
Members: Kelly Backs and Alton Toth 

Terms of Reference 

This committee meets as required by the SCRD Board or the Chair of the Committee.

Chair: Alton Toth
Vice Chair: Justine Gabias
Members: All SCRD Directors 

Terms of Reference 

Standing committee meetings are open to the public. Members of the community can ask questions at the end of each meeting or provide comments on matters that are on the meeting agenda. Additionally, members of the community can present to the committee by requesting to appear as a delegation.

All of the meetings outlined above are held in the SCRD Boardroom at 1975 Field Road, Sechelt, BC. Meetings can also be accessed via the Zoom platform from the agendas webpage.